Four Interesting things to do with Acorns

Acorns are well-known as being a favourite meal for many woodland creatures. Mice, squirrels and birds all forage for these nutty treats throughout Autumn as they can be stored easily for eating during the cold winter months when food is scarce. But it’s not just wild animals that can eat acorns, we humans can eat them too. Below we will share some great acorn recipes, as well as a few more interesting facts about acorns.


Are Acorns Edible?

Raw …

Springtime foraging

Spring is the start of a new year, and new growth for all kinds of plants. This means that it’s a goldmine for foraging, and will get you will into the mood for it before the bountiful summer comes along. Here are some of the top things that you can forage in spring.


Sea beetSea beet

Sea beet is the parent of beetroot and swiss chard, and is more commonly found on pebble beaches just above the tide line. You …